*ClassTbl* *ClassEntry* *PTABLE* *WINDOWSEG* Viewer *ICONRESTAB* *ICONRESSEG* *ICONRES* Background *OBJTABLE* *IDTABLE* *NAMETAB* Rectangle Ellipse RoundedRectangle Polygon IrregularPolygon AngledLine Curve Field RecordField ComboBox Button PaintObject Picture Hotword *RHOTWORD* Group Stage *TbxBase* <+V!8 1,"KH 1,"JFY <+V!8 <+V!! Space iList useOurObjects5 of this book = True myRightClick newFlag sWhichBook copy resource icon xsat.wav sPage get sysTime toolPalette sLearnDirectory book LEARN40.EXE windowHandle of viewer Tutorial useOurObjects6 of this book = True statusBar counter sBook sOurObjects5 Popup No Server sOKList An error in Learning Multimedia ToolBook has caused the removal of system books listed in the MTB40.INI file. False mySysCommand sysMenu TRY.TBK xsat.avi useOurObjects5 of this book You may need to add the system books to the [ToolBook] section of your MTB40.INI file, using the following syntax: Satellite sLearnName copy resource clip pageUnitsToScreen(position of paintObject artArea of background Tutorial,viewer Tutorial) useOurObjects6 of this book sOurObjects5 iList sOurObjects6 counter False sLearnDirectory sWhichBook sOKList sLearnName cList newFlag sBook sPage toolBar XSAT.TBK sOurObjects6 send tryUp to button Try of background Tutorial cList send XSATUp to button XSAT of background Tutorial TRY.SBK startUpSysbooks = {name of system book(s)} setupTry to this book wjlinkDLLs linkSysBook centerBook sWhichBook enterBook TB40WIN.DLL getIniVar setIniVar linkDLLs n6mySysCommand Changing this window's position in Try sessions is not allowed. mySysCommand <+V!! <+V!! <+V!! <+V!! <+V!! <+V!! <+V!8 <+V!8 ,&H.& ,&H.& 1,"J2Y Paste colorTray lineEndsPalette getRemote "text of recordField ""Scripts"" of page 5,11,2 sOurObjects6 paintObject city Transparent Right polygonPalette Previous RotateRight name of currentPage of viewer "Tutorial" page 2 scriptField ScriptEditor sPage sScriptEditor patternPalette Clear toolPalette Reshape FlipHorizontal Duplicate Scripts RotateLeft statusBar FlipVertical 1,2,4 SendToBack VerticalCenters sOurObjects5 MTB40.ini HorizontalCenters BringCloser sOKList centerBook DrawDirect newFlag Page2 setIniVar UseWindowsColors Group linePalette getRemote "text of recordField ""menu list"" of page Background sLearnName BringToFront Ungroup group Scripts of page toolBar getIniVar 2,4,2 topic Bottom DrawCentered sOurObjects5 sOurObjects6 sOKList sScriptEditor sLearnName newFlag sPage PasteSpecial of page 2 ToolBook SendFarther Foreground setupTry pageUnitsToScreen(position of paintObject artArea of background Tutorial,viewer Tutorial) sLearnName sizeArt centerBook <+V!! hide group Return of background Tutorial MTB40.ini setIniVar TRY.TBK sWhichBook ToolBook ScriptEditor in viewer "Status Bar";focus = button next;end sLearnName system sTryMode, sXSATMode;sTryMode = False;sXSATMode = False send buttonDown toolPalette sLearnDirectory focusWindow = viewer "Status Bar" try.tbk sScriptEditor show group "Try/Show" of background Tutorial ,&H.& <+V!8 BookProperties centerBook sOKList centerbook SaveAS You have successfully changed the size of your book. However, this TRY.tbk size may cause your book to overlap other parts of the tutorial screen. Author that may cause problems in Learning Multimedia ToolBook. sWhichBook File2 Saving this book may cause problems in Learning Multimedia ToolBook. File4 Saving this book under a new name is not allowed. str_NoMenu File1 XSAT.tbk toolbar str_Cancel Switching to Author level allows you to change the application in ways str_OK Therefore we will change your book to our suggested size of 4.53 x 2.82 inches. File3 menuItemSelected Right-click functionality for Try sessions is only available in Units 5 and 6. myRightClick str_OK Cancel &Cancel str_Cancel That feature is not currently accessible. Please follow the steps in the procedure at left. str_noMenu vo25.wav 5,4,1,10 Drag definition Intercontinental Continental Introduction Satellite Continental Continental supportlls YfUUV ffUUn ffnfU XSAT provides your business with 24-hour customer support anywhere on the continent. - Click to dismiss this text -er from interference. - Click to dismiss this text - Intercontinental Intercontinental calls YfUUV ffUUn ffnfU XSAT allows you to direct-dial intercontinental calls for clearer, more consistent service. - Click to dismiss this text -aced on the same continent. - Click to dismiss this text - Drag definition Clicking an object, dragging to another object, and then releasing the mouse - Click to dismiss this text ---bject. - Click this field to dismiss - Drag and drop !j"P#4$D% strChecked To see the benefits you can enjoy: Choose a duration to compare rates. Drag and drop between cities to see XSAT services.es. services.ate...... strChecked Ocean strChecked Ocean1 strChecked Ocean2 strChecked Island1 strChecked strChecked 2 B J strChecked strChecked strChecked Island2 strChecked strChecked strChecked strChecked strChecked Mountain strChecked strChecked strChecked strChecked strChecked strChecked strChecked strChecked strChecked strChecked strChecked strChecked strChecked strChecked strChecked strChecked City1 strChecked wwxwr wwxwr City2 strChecked wwxwr wwxwr City3 strChecked wws3? wxws? wwxwq wwxws 11w11 strChecked Current: XSAT:| Current strChecked $ 2.70 strChecked $ 2.10 Duration strChecked 30 minutes 1 minute 5 minutes 30 minutes 1 hour strChecked Static,PBrush,LOGO.BMP, strChecked strChecked V(f(J strChecked strChecked j)z)J strChecked 4*D*J strChecked strChecked 4+D+J strChecked strChecked 4,D,J strChecked strChecked 4-D-J strChecked strChecked \.l.J strChecked strChecked strChecked strChecked strChecked strChecked strChecked strChecked strChecked strChecked strChecked strChecked strChecked CostLabel strChecked Cost of call| Duration &Duration: strChecked strChecked strChecked Previous strChecked buttonClick buttonClick = 1980,360,3450,1815 strChecked strChecked strChecked strChecked strChecked . > J strChecked strChecked ANIMATORATS DBASE ATS PARADOX ATS UTILS ATS MEDIMPT M40 MEDWAVETM40 MTB40BITM40 TB30MM SBK BETA3 DOC TB40ANM SBK TB40HYP SBK Introduction XSAT-the Cross Continent Satellite Telecommunication System XSAT offers you dramatically expanded service at a lower price than any conventional telecommunication system. AT's excellence, click the next button. BlueHex swirl2 swirl1 swirl5 swirl3 swirl4 swirl6 strChecked strChecked strChecked strChecked strChecked strChecked strChecked strChecked strChecked strChecked strChecked strChecked strChecked strChecked strChecked strChecked strChecked strChecked strChecked strChecked strChecked strChecked strChecked strChecked strChecked strChecked strChecked strChecked strChecked strChecked strChecked strChecked strChecked strChecked strChecked strChecked strChecked strChecked strChecked strChecked strChecked strChecked stars strChecked strChecked selectChars Scripts strChecked strChecked scriptField strChecked strChecked Sample object scripts Delete this group after copying the scripts arning ToolBook Sysbook Popup Page "Drag definition" Learning Multimedia ToolBook Sysbook Arial System Arial Arial MS Sans Serif Arial Arial Arial *T}\}@ Times New Roman System Times New Roman Arial Times New Roman Times New Roman Times New Roman Arial Arial Arial Arial Arial Arial Courier New Arial Courier New Courier New Arial o3?,=z Arial Times New Roman Arial Small Fonts :SHOWCONFIRM Arial o3?,=z System Arial Courier New strChecked Arial Small Fonts Times New Roman Courier New wingdings Times New Roman System Courier MS Sans Serif MS Sans Serif MS Sans Serif GG'>= Times New Roman Arial 68o.7 Arial Courier New Times New Roman Arial Times New Roman Times New Roman c:\hookrel\tutorial\xsat.wav c:\hookrel\tutorial\xsat.avi laser Space Satellite --Copyright 1993,1994. Asymetrix Corporation. All Rights Reserved. ,gives you permission e, revise reuse the --individual scripts your own --applications. You may Hentire --substantial part redistribution _product. retains copyright on original elements . Include notice "Portions 1993, 1994, 1995. they contain copied --developers: Raine Bergstrom, Jennifer Tobin Q: 6/95 --initialization TRY.TBK XSAT. linkSysBook 4sLearnDirectory, sLearnName, sWhichBook 4sOKList, sOurObjects5, sOurObjects6, sPage 4newFlag P = "LEARN40.EXE" won't respond, sysbook was cleared - ERROR counter = 0 c"No Server" /< 200 mmYield c"No "An error Learning Multimedia ToolBook has caused removal 4books listed MTB40.INI file." && \ need b] section following syntax:" &CRLF&\ "startUpSysbooks = { 8(s)}" startUpSysBooks = " " n= False linkDLLs SBK" tutorial's directory <> NULL <> "\" 8style statusBar 8= 6523,4060 = sysMenu = thinFrame iList = resourceList(icon, H-1 -- through backwards so t" icons are str = " " & It & " = True a child "windowHandle Tutorial" parentHandle tile = 115,203 tileWrap toolBar = User needs "useOurObjects5 = It "useOurObjects6 = It = "Yes" selectPage copyObject ( "Popup" B"Satellite" stage " cList = clip, E " & It & " sysMediaSuspend = mmSource "Space" & "xsat.wav" avi" setupTry tryUp XSATUp --prevents user moving,sizing,minimizing maximizing main translateWindowMessage On 0x0112 mySysCommand 8 -- 0 =WM_SYSCOMMAND rightClicking allowed Units 5 = " <> 5 <> 6) clientHandle On 0x0204 myRightClick 8 -- WM_RBUTTONDOWN traps click On 0x00A4 8 -- WM_NCRBUTTONDOWN "pageUnitsToScreen( 'artArea It + 328, It + 70 = 0) = "english" <> Null centerBook Script Editor "TB40WIN.DLL" STRING getIniVar( WORD setIniVar( --eat SC_MOVE/MIN/MAX/RESTORE messages, but others hwnd, msg, wParam bitAnd 0xFFF0) = 0xF010) xF000)\ /xF020) ?xF030) "Changing Try sessions 4sScriptEditor, ~= Author lineEndsPalette current currentPage = It = "1,2,4" ="2,4,2") 8= 4500,2900 = "5,11,2" isObject(" 'city" &i&" defaultAllowDrop defaultAllowDrag sysSuspendMessages = Scripts OK menus = It c"_" ~("_", = "0" = "Page2" = "0" animations <> "0" "Save" "Exit" "Next" "Previous" "Undo" "Cut" "Paste" "PasteSpecial" "Duplicate" "Clear" "Background" "Foreground" "Group" "Ungroup" "DrawDirect" "Transparent" "UseWindowsColors" "DrawCentered" "Reshape" "Left" "Top" "Bottom" "HorizontalCenters" "VerticalCenters" "BringToFront" "SendToBack" "BringCloser" "SendFarther" "FlipHorizontal" "FlipVertical" "RotateLeft" "RotateRight" necessary txt = It "scriptField" eso that doesn't cover ini") = It x1 = y1 = x2 = y2 = + y1 - 60 x1,y1,x2,y2 ",It & ",0,", " --Positions It = 6540,5400 -- 'ArtArea sizeArt=pageUnitsToClient(It) dX = ( `) - ( dX < 0 dX = dX/2 dY = ( `) - ( esmaller than area dY < 0 dY = dY/2 It = It - dX It = It - dY 's progress , reset & "try.tbk"), cleans up closed Control crather Return 4sTryMode, sXSATMode; "focusWindow = ""Status Bar""" /Show"" --limits menuItemSelected menuName, alias y -- xopened --cannot ever 8under a v = New str_NoMenu() = Open = File1 = File2 = File3 = File4 = SaveAS itself be saved As "Saving --warn users about going mode "Switching level allows change ways " &\ problems fstr_OK(1) str_Cancel(1) It = centerbook saving It = don't = BookProperties <> 5) -- It > 6523) It > 4060) have successfully changed 8. However, overlap parts screen. " &\ "Therefore we will suggested 4.53 x 2.82 8= 6523,4060 toolbar Strings localization functionality only available param "&OK" 4 = 1 str_noMenu "That feature xcurrently accessible. Please steps % procedure DDDDO DDDDD wwwww Next Dim Prev Dim Dim Prev small telephone rrently accessible. Please steps procedure ,ageUnitsPerPixel 81SSR SX548 50RPA SA!`A U5%U0V A!BRR@ % BC@ PAPAP PAAQQA AAPQQE PQPQPA QAQAPP @PAA@ PP@PP PPQAA METAFILEPICT